Artists as Activists-Pride

It has been a while since I have been able to really sit down here to write.

So welcome back, and thanks for your patience as I transition again.

On Fridays I usually focus on Curvy Fashion Icons and different styles that showcase the beauty of curves. As we wind down the month of June a month dedicated to celebrating the non hetero-normative better known as the LGBTQIA community "Pride" and the month where we get to joyfully celebrate Black Music History as well. I'd like to utilize this Friday to talk about an artist that has really grabbed my attention over the last few years.

Angel Haze is an artist that challenges the molds of many genres not only is she a Black femcee hiphop Goddess, she's got a lot of rapper, little bit of pop, and a whole lot of truth talking story teller packed into one hard hitting honest package. She uses her drive and platform to share difficult truths about her personal history with abuse and to help eliminate many of the stereotypes survivors of abuse have had to struggle with.

Angel Haze is an artist that fits into many categories that we have been celebrating and discussing throughout the month of June, and although she may not be a particularly curvy woman she is talented, beautiful, and one heck of a fashionista she even comes with the music videos to prove it.
Oh yeah, and she likes girls too....

Angel Haze: Echelon, "It's my Way"

Now that you've had a chance to check out her fashion based hiphop let's get down to the grit.

As a survivor of rape and childhood sex abuse I often find myself just a little bit afraid at times or holding myself back from success as I have always shied away from the lime light. The problem with this is that is that is where I thrive.
You see I am a performer that was afraid to perform because I long to be treated with the same love and respect that I give to others but that has never been the case. I have a very trusting nature which in the entertainment industry can really get you into trouble without someone having your back.
The combination of childhood based fears and often misplaced trust allowed me to hold myself back from my truths as I was to afraid to be seen, because in my head if they saw you they might rape you.
I stayed away from the light and for years failed to thrive.
It was through an incredibly painful journey (one I am still on) of self acceptance, accountability, curvy body love, embracing truths as my own and not something that happened to someone I am real close to, poetry and music that I have really begun to thrive and get back onto the stage.
The stage of life.
I am not going to be a victim to anyone and most of all I will not be a victim to myself.

Angel Haze is one of the artists that has helped me sort my shit so I can be happy on the stage where I am truly at my best.
I love me, so go ahead and look, you can love me too, just from a distance.

Angel Haze is very honest about her journey she embraces her history, her sexuality, her identity, her dreams, her goals, her ability to forgive her demons, oh and she's kind of funny too.
She does all this using incredible beats and a rapping style that just won't quit, she's dope, she's fresh
She is my lady crush of the month. I follow her on twitter and youtube I highly recommend you do too.

In 2012, Angel Haze released her remake of Eminem's track "Cleanin Out My Closet". Her remake takes the audience on a journey of abuse, collateral damage, the horrifying biological damage that happens when raped and the development of fear and understanding of how ones roots can really mess you up.
She does not leave you hanging though she is not one of those performers that just tells you a horrible story and leaves you vulnerable and gasping re-victimized in your own trauma. Angel follows through with the story and she helps you get through the pain by telling you  how she cleaned out her own closet using her history and metaphors.
Using a dope beat that captures your attention and makes you tap your feet she helps to guide the audience towards healing.

If you don't understand patterns of abuse and how easy it is to be re-victimized or if you're one of those that has a tendency to blame the victim, or
If you, yourself are going through something awful or still hiding from those demons, if you're closet is strapping you down and you are not living your truth I highly recommend checking out,

Angel Haze: Cleaning Out My Closet

Angel Haze: Battle Cry (ft Sia)  

Angel Haze, If you don't know her name learn it now because she is an Artist and Activist worth keeping your eye on and buying a track or twenty. Heck go buy her whole discography.

In order for Artists to be able to help the world heal we have to support them so they may support us. 

Image result for Angel Haze images
Image provided by:

Hope to see you tomorrow for our Sensual Saturday Poetry Blog. 

                                                                                            Author - The Pueblo Poetess
                                                                                            Poet, Singer - Songwriter, Blogger,                                                                                                            Photographer, Curve Model,
                                                                                            Entertainer, & Bi-sexual Goddess.
Sometimes I use to many run on sentences. :)  


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