Feminism Makes Sex Better

Got pulled into a comment section on Facebook on a short piece of writing I did debating the importance of feminism & how many boys approach women like porn stars (which btw porn stars are regular people too) & why women reject these types of approaches.

Their argument is that feminism has ruined dating & sex, because women see themselves as more powerful and therefore do not want to have sex with men. Wrong!!!!!
First off feminism is about equality for everyone. Secondly we do not want to have sex with immature petulant boys that want to be men but still falsely believe the world owes them more than everyone else simply because they were born with an outie. If you want to have adult no holds - barred mind blowing orgasmic sex act like a grown up, be respectful & maybe it'll happen.

You see Feminists still want sex, matter of fact we want it more than ever, but we demand to be seen as equals in the bedroom as well as the boardroom.

Realistically feminism has improved the quality of sex immensely. No more do we have to lay quietly & make babies according to some archaic expectation.
Feminism has freed the woman's voice & created space for sex to be good for all parties involved,
& you know what comes with a woman treated as an equal & being free?, her orgasm.

It's really pretty simple to approach people, starts like this approach respectfully and not with the expectation of sex unless that is clear in the environment say a swinger party for ex, even there no means no.
Really just talk to each other without expectations build a relationship with someone even if just for the night & remember if a person has no interest in talking back to you it's about where they are in life & not necessarily about you. Be respectful & treat people with dignity & guess what people will talk to you, treat us equally and we can all enjoy the ride.

Oh, and never read the comments unless you ask people to comment.
 Feminism Rocks, Good Sex improves lives for everyone, don't be a douche & we can all get along.

Do you think feminism has improved your sex life? Feel free to comment below, just don't be a troll.

Peace, Love, & coconut grease. More on this subject later. -The Pueblo Poetess.


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