
Showing posts from June, 2018

Artists as Activists-Pride

It has been a while since I have been able to really sit down here to write. So welcome back, and thanks for your patience as I transition again. On Fridays I usually focus on Curvy Fashion Icons and different styles that showcase the beauty of curves. As we wind down the month of June a month dedicated to celebrating the non hetero-normative better known as the LGBTQIA community "Pride" and the month where we get to joyfully celebrate Black Music History as well. I'd like to utilize this Friday to talk about an artist that has really grabbed my attention over the last few years. Angel Haze is an artist that challenges the molds of many genres not only is she a Black femcee hiphop Goddess, she's got a lot of rapper, little bit of pop, and a whole lot of truth talking story teller packed into one hard hitting honest package. She uses her drive and platform to share difficult truths about her personal history with abuse and to help eliminate many of the stere

To Be Seen

To be seen is an extraordinary thing, to be seen by a Poet is to be everlasting. - The Pueblo Poetess “If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.” ― Mik Everett Scars of Men She looks in the mirror and sees her scars. A distortion of her former self. Each scar representing a tortured memory, a painful existence, a reality she fights daily to accept. She died years ago and never awoke from her slumber. She sleepwalks through life, each day her heart benumbed to new possibilities. The baggage she carries overrides her stride, and weakens her like precious cargo. She struggles to survive secretly knowing every breath may be her last. She’s afraid to be touched because it reminds of her a distance memory that comes and goes. She’s like broken glass unable to be put together or picked up mentally. In each relationship she loses more of herself. She wears a lavish facade to conceal her pain. And hide behind a wall of insecurity, yet the scars remai

Equality, Music, and a Less Agressive World. My Empire review.

Tuesdays are for Tunes that's why I promote the hashtag Tunes4UrTuesday . Today we need to talk about more than just good tunes though. Today we will be discussing the song Empire. Empire is one of my favorite recent releases from the Hip Hop / Rapper, Real Talk-Story Teller Uniqme, Empire is off Uniqme's latest album Born 2 Do It. Empire is not just a run of the mill rap song though, it's not a cheap synthetic sound with a nasally rapper singing about booze or getting hoe's, money or drugs. Empire is about the real life situations that Americans often people of color (POC) face every day. Empire hits you with that 4 to the floor old school reggae type vibe with instrumental hooks really jumping into that hiphop ride. The beat itself will make you  dance around but the story will get into your brain and make you think about things outside yourself, at least that is what it did for me. Before we get any further into the song though I wanna talk about somethings

Free Bilingual B, a poem of transition. No edits, it is written.

I keep procrastinating the many chores there are to do the chores which help to make the dollars into two. I look around and see the space I occupy the sheets don't line up the way I like them but I don't bother to do more than think about why. I am stuck in the pattern of what to do, I can't even decide if I should send her a pair of shoes. I am blessed to be here but it's fucked up the many reasons I really should pack her things more, but each time I start my heart falls apart & it feels like treason For her life should be more than inboxed & stacked by the front door A strong woman that likes to run her mouth for every cause coming from the South. For every brown brother sister & mother she fights long & hard Throughout her life and now she's lost her cards. Stacked up against her they scream violent, violent sinner when her mouth was the only thing she ran, but they claim more & we live in the land of the white man. I lo

Poetry for the late night lovers. Freedom to Love

When the night is long and I just can not seem to finish even one song, a poem or anything of my own. I turn to the poets that guide my way, the ones I love to perform when I get the chance to share the stage so tonight and for your weekends journey I bring you another poem from my yearnings my poetic love SoulRac. I . FREEDOM TO LOVE I want to make love to you mentally Instantly you left your imprint on me You words dig deep in me Penetrating my inner core leaving my brain sore cuz I can't figure you out Our passions collide and we sacrifice our love like we committed suicide I undress your beauty with my eyes And touch you mentally beyond your disguise Then I lick the softness of your flesh and it teases my tongue everything I lick it I get addicted to your physique Which is characterized by the words you speak I can look beyond your pain Or become sick from it like a virus strain Your sweat becomes mine as we touch each other nakedness I penetrate the very na